About Pigeon
Literary Agency
Pigeon House was founded with the idea that sponsors a unique vision and style of managing a writers career. We want to help you become a better writer with each book that you write.
Pigeon knows what a good story is and understands how to weave its way through the publishing industry along with every writers unique life experience. Telling a good story is fun, but it's not easy and we assure you that we will be more than willing to offer helpful advice to help you get published and stay published.
We have a passion for working with new authors as we are looking for fresh new voices that are distinctly different. Pigeon loves peeking at the NY times Best Seller list among others to see where the market is going an how we can procure, but the procurement and being on these lists are not what's so important. We want more from ourselves and our authors as it is important to be fresh, eclectic, alarming and unique to capture the eye of this agency and head toward the next step in the publishing process.
We believe developing the careers of every writer and in negotiating the best contracts as well. Along with this knowledge, we ascertain the best publisher for your book whether it is a major publishing house, a minor one or a smaller publisher that will suite your books needs.
Pigeon House will be involved in every aspect of the editorial and publishing processes. The goal of Pigeon House is to provide the best marketing advice which will lead the way to better sales, licensing, films, audio and other literary publishing rights.
By the end of the querying process, if you are not a good fit for Pigeon, we offer a service where we will refer you to one other literary agency that we think might be the best fit for you. We look forward to working with you in all stages of your writing career.