Who we are
The Full Story
Bringing everything to the surface, is what this company is about. There is nothing that pleases us more than having an extremely fresh approach to publishing and having a literary agency. Pigeon House believes that everyone is entitled to have their book published and we go against commercial books to publish books that are not so commercial. There is nothing wrong with commercial books, however we feel that the book that doesn’t get published, doesn’t change the world. Pigeon House’s very own Druella Burhan has worked very hard in establishing an agency that will look beyond tradition and try to do something that is more boutique. We strive to establish a client list that shapes and reveals who we are as a company and speaks volumes. Pigeon House is about redefined elegance, charm, structure and hard work. We don’t take anything for granted and look forward to the many years we will be in business. We are a top notch literary agency who will do nothing more but strive to bring a supreme appealingness and picturesque style of books from darkness to life.
We Participate in Fresh Collaborations with Our Clients
We are dedicated to industrializing compelling, lasting partnerships with our authors from the first stages of their careers.
We are highly endowed in making sure every book counts.
We are inspired by trends, but not ruled by them. We try to remain current with a redefined elegant flair.
We understand how the publisher author relationship has an important significant focus on making a match in the industry.
We reinforce and ferociously champion for our authors the entirety of stages - from the development of the books, to submission, to merchandising, to written agreement, the publicity to marketing, to book jacket design, to publication and after-publication.
We are highly competitive dealmakers and have a desire to get the best contract possible. We are praised for our finesse in partnership.
We are punctilious beekeepers and accountants; we know this is beneficial to our clients welfare as we offer a premium level of concern and resource.
We have countless years of writing publicity media kits and offer marketing experience in-house and out-house between the company. We give thoughtful strategics to the every book we represent.
We humble ourselves with our keen editorial eye and our hands-on work with our authors as we prepare a proposal for their manuscript--to submit to publishers. We serve a sciolistic board throughout the writing and revisions process.
We are a integrated agency with indefinite caliber with other literary agencies, major, minor and small publishing houses around the world. We delegate ongoing communication and connexions about every book and author who has in-house representation from all foreign places. Our authors have benefactors internationally who work with Pigeon House Literary Agency and work to represent them. They are backed by the capability of our team world-wide.
We have a distinct approach to our roles, they include warmth, faithfulness and expertise along with state and assuredness. We offer authentic joyfulness and wonderment as we conduct our business from global head-quarters so that we have chiseled strategy and skillfulness within our craft.
We reference to say that consulting as an agent is not science--but psychology, and the sheer geometry of chemistry and pseudoscience to a prolific set of skills in-- education, aptitude, negotiation and discussion, legal knowledge, publicity, commerce and branding, editing, consulting, vocation administration, and job development. We bring all of these cognitive features to our clients which provides hard-hitting and substantive delegacy.
We are Steadfast to a Diverse Client List Worldwide
We put surmountable worth and merit on philosophy and work that advocates for a refinement of savvy of our convoluted world; that is content provocative, illuminating and automotive.
We interpret as we read with the promise of having an experience of deep connection.
We have a indefinite sense of value in work that is serious, but its intent is not in taking itself too gravely, but in the mundane thought of self alluring content.
We love a bit of humor in every aspect of its forms, whether it is savvy, awry, dark or tear drop comedic. We love to be amused.
We strive to partner with gifted and knowledgeable writers who have a very unique and compelling way of genuinely bringing something magical to readers.
We Chaperone Authors through their Integral, Multifaceted Careers
We represent a diverse set of non fiction and fiction across an entirety of age groups and audience scope: adult, young adult, and story telling non fiction books that have the ability to cross the audience spectrum. We are also driven in the direction our authors may variably move in and support their work effectively in the many ways they require.
Our partnered contracts help build a better and more solid relationship with our authors as we transcend each and every book. We garner the way they write, how their individual mind works, their specific passions and comparative views. We enter into these partnerships with our authors from a deep place of knowing and inspirational conviction that causes us to expertly champion their books over the pedagogy of their career.