I have a truck load of clients that are in different stages of of the querying process, but the ones that make it to the next round, are going to be in a very exciting process which involves submitting to publishers. This process can take quite a long time as you have to plan, make notes, write proposals and prepare platforms. This is a very crucial time as we prepare for publication, but the wait is all the same. If you submit to the publisher and it gets rejected, we have to honor any advise they offer during the editing process which I am involved in. Then, it goes on another round of submissions. This can be painstaking to say the least because it can continue to go through this process for about a month…or possibly longer. It all depends on finding the right publisher that fits your books needs and you can never be certain. I suggest remaining calm and patient while waiting, as this will make the whole transition that much easier. So what do you do during the wait? Start working on the next book by doing outlines, building a network if you’re a new author and begin the drafts of a new project. If you have already been published by me or another agent, think about the last book and reviews from customers if you read them. What did they say? What did the publishers say? How did the sales balance? If you are in this situation, you may need to reevaluate your genre or the type of book that you are writing. This is crucial when it comes to writing style and building a platform for readers to continue to connect with your because they enjoy your work.

Please do not be hesitant on beginning a new project, as being an author means coming out with a book a year, two books a year and so forth. While you are waiting for confirmation on obtaining an editor and then publisher, this is the best time to wind down and just relax and work on the next project. It won’t be long before we are racing ahead with all the exhilaration that abounds. Just keep cool and stay in the shade.